Free Sauna Heater Size Calculator & Model Recommender | Havenly
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Sauna Heater Size Calculator

Sauna Heater Sizing Tool & Model Recommender

Determine the Required Power Output for Your Electric Sauna Heater

Use our easy 3-step tool to calculate the required heaters kW output for your specific sauna. Based on your sauna room's size and the amount of cold surface area, this tool will recommend the best electric sauna heater models to efficiently heat your space.

Simply follow the steps below, click 'Calculate,' and receive personalized sauna heater recommendations.

Step 1: Interior Sauna Room Dimensions

Step 2: Total Area of Cold Surfaces

*Cold surface materials include glass, tile walls, brick, concrete, and stone. For each square foot of cold surface materials (excluding door), additional cubic feet must be added to the total room volume calculation.

Step 3: Preferred Brand